Why join PNGA?
Get up to date info on planting, grafting, pest control, harvesting, marketing and storage
Learn how to graft, improve your grafting skills, and see the latest grafting techniques
Get advice on how to exhibit nuts at the Pennsylvania Farm Show
Receive our quarterly Nut Kernel newsletter and access the scion wood database
Participate in orchard tours and learn what you can’t find in books
Get proven nut recipes from main dishes to desserts and everything inbetween
Share the thrill of growing nut trees with growers who share your passion
Leave a legacy for future generatons

Annual Membership
Lifetime Membership
To register for membership, please send a check (payable to PNGA) and your application to
Sally Reinoehl, Treasurer
Pennsylvania Nut Growers Association
30 Sunshine Lane
Valley View, PA 17983
To be poor and have trees, is to be completely rich in ways that money can never buy
– Clarissa Pinkola Estés